Alive performance optimization

  1. 8 years ago

    Would changing the active limiter on the virtual AI increase his performance as well? Decrease it from 144 to 100 or something, maybe he could keep the longer view distance he wants?

  2. It's not recommended to use the active limiter as a tool of optimization, that's why the default is set so high (144). It's recommended to not have more than 100-150 units spawned in at any given time.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by DLEGION

    Thanks for your help ! Tonight will try your suggestion ! In the meantime i wish to precise that i dont use 1200, was just an example, i set 3 infantry , 1 mechanized. 1 spec ops for red and for blue. For green side i set 50 infantry (for the whole map ) 10 mechanized and 10 spec ops, 2 tank battalion.
    Thanks !

    i was able to do a little test while eating, and seems that :
    MAP: empty stratis (for every test)

    TEST1: alivemod,alive module (required),

    • virtual AI module (spawn radius 9000 for inf, heli and plane, active limiter 9000)
    • custom obj module (size 3000, but seems to be auto-hard capped to a way lower size like 300 because all units were in a very small radius), infantry count 128 (should be groups, some groups are 8 man some are 4 man some are 2 man, lets say an average 5 ai each group) for a total of around 640 AI units, took 6 minutes to load every unit into 3D map, FPS 20 (on agia marina and airport).

    TEST2:alivemod loaded but NOT USED at all.
    -placed by hand 8 assault squadron of 8 man each (let's call this a battalion for this example), and placed 10 battalions around the map , for a total of exactly 640 infantry AI. loaded everything in a couple of seconds at start (4 fps for 1-2 seconds), then game run smooth at 20 FPS on agia marina and airport.

    TEST3:alivemod loaded but NOT USED at all.
    -placed by hand 8 assault squadron of 8 man each (let's call this a battalion for this example), and placed 16 battalions around the map , for a total of exactly 1024 infantry AI. loaded everything at start (4 fps for 3-4 seconds), then game run at 10 FPS on agia marina and airport (almost unplayable).

    TEST4:TEST1: alivemod,alive module (required),

    • virtual AI module (spawn radius 9000 for inf, heli and plane, active limiter 9000)
    • military obj module, infantry count 128 (should be groups, some groups are 8 man some are 4 man some are 2 man, lets say an average 5 ai each group) for a total of around 640 AI units well spread around the whole map (well...not so "well spreaded"...airport got 3 units, agia marina too, feel like a bit too low to be a so important place), took 6 minutes to load every unit into 3D map, FPS 20 (on agia marina and airport). first question is...why it takes sooo long to load the AI in 3D map ? how reduce this time ?

    huge thanks guys !

    PS: a very little question....grouping units (example i have machineguns grouped to noone, i can group all them togheter ifthey are in the same base) can help performance or makes no difference at all ?

  4. YEAH ! confirmed i gained some FPS by setting my game to only 2 cores, and the server to the other 2 cores ! it works! huge thanks !
    now i'm working on a different level of optimization...i'm tryint to totally spawn and de-spawn fixed units like 0.50cal turrets, fixed AAA, mines and even squads with guard roles (that stay always in the same place to defend) ...based on variable distance (like mines should spawn at 100 meters from them)!
    will let you know my progress in next days!
    thanks ! bye !