CQB Static Behavior

  1. 8 years ago

    I'm just a bit confused as to how the CQB module works. Suppose I place CQB with a marker placement (lets say marker named TOWN). I know units will spawn in buildings in the TOWN marker. However, just curious, if I set the module to Static (not Dynamic), will that faction always spawn in those buildings, or only if their faction controls the objectives around the building?

    If always spawning in buildings (regardless of who is around them), what if I sync CQB to a MilPlacement module with the marker TOWN instead?


  2. Friznit

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    Static CQB means the faction in the cqb module will always spawn in that area, regardless of what other factions are present. Dynamic will spawn groups of whichever faction is dominant.

    Syncing to mil placement module simply makes CQB spawn only in the objectives defined by mil placement. It will still use the faction settings from the cqb module itself

  3. Ok understood. Is there a way to stop the CQB spawn after a faction loses control without spawning the new controlling faction units?

    For example, town held by enemy, forces move in and clear it, but don't occupy, just continue to move on.


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