Persistance and Restarts

  1. 8 years ago

    Hej there,

    is it possible, somehow, to save the game before a restart to save the persistant things like bases, missions and Equipment? Especially the player-built-bases and boxes would be important.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    If you want to persist object you need to make it persistence for ALiVE

    [ALive_required_module_variable,"updateObject",[object_to_persist,object_to_persist1,...]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;

  3. And as soon as it is persist it will still be there after restart of the Server?
    Because the Player Position and stuff ain't saved through a restart.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    If you save the server as admin and restart it should save such objects. Check Alive player options module if all kind of data are set to YES. You need also the proper configuration of Waroom, but obliviously you already knew that

  5. If you're not getting player position, etc restoring after a restart please post your server's RPT file and the alive.log found in @alive folder.

  6. I do need a Warroom configuration for saving the objects throughout a restart?
    No, I did not know that.
    SInce my server is for now just on a virtual server and as far as I understood it, warroom is not supporting virtual servers, I won't be able to make them persistant, right?

  7. Yes you'll need War Room for persistence between server restarts - it requires a .dll file to be placed in your A3 installation folder and some providers don't like that (understandably so). If you can convince them to allow it then persistence should work for you.

  8. @SavageCDN Is that the file?

    I'm assuming so because the plugIn.dll copies across to my server fine but the .so file just won't.
    You're saying I need that to enable persistence between restarts?

  9. The .dll is for Windows servers the .so for Linux

    Yes it's needed for persistence - you'll also need to place the ALiVE Data module in your mission and adjust it's parameters to taste, and register your account on the War Room.

    Start here with registering an account - there are server setup instructions there as well.

  10. highhead

    3 May 2016 Administrator

    This is more or less a duplicate of this thread:

    Thats something for @Tupolov


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