[Bug] Weapon Usage and Shots fired (fixed in Dev)

  1. 8 years ago

    I am new to mission making and I am having a problem with the shots fired and weapon usage not being recorded, I have followed the instructions in setting up the server and all other recordings work fine. I do see on the War Room that my mission name displays ?missionname? and I do not see other missions displayed like this. I have updated to the latest version of ALiVE and the other mods that I use are RHS USAF, CUP Units, CUP Weapons, CBA A3 and Spyder Addons. The game server that I use is HostHavoc and the alive.cfg file is placed in the Arma 3 root directory.

  2. Snoman I am thinking that you and I are in the same boat on this. We have also just set up alive and are also not getting certain info such as last time played. Combat time, weapon usage, etc. I am thinking it might be something on ALiVEs end. Not sure what else we can do to make those stats appear.

    That being said, one of the devs mentioned using the "server save and exit" option after ur done with missions for the night. Be sure you are logged in as server admin otherwise it doesnt appear that it will do anything when you press it. It takes several mins for the saving process so dont get in too big of a hurry.

    Ill keep an eye on our stats and see if perhaps this does the trick. Hope this helps.

  3. Tupolov

    16 Apr 2016 Administrator

    You have to finish missions with server save and exit for shots fired etc to be recorded. You don't have to persist the mission as such, but you need to exit the mission for shots fired to be recorded.

    Keep in mind shots fired stats don't update on the website for 4-8 hours, its not immediate due to the caching we do on the website.

  4. Awesome Tup this is more good info! I can confirm I did do a server save and exit. I knew it can take quite awhile for it to propogate so I wasnt sure if it was that or I needed a profile reset (as i just finished posting about). Time will tell!

  5. Thank You for the quick response, I knew it had to be some simple step that I was missing.

  6. Have checked this after doing a server save and exit and still not working, Server save was more than 24 hours ago and done as admin with the alive tablet popping up showing the save so should have updated but still no combat hours shots fired or weapon usage.

  7. Tupolov

    19 Apr 2016 Administrator

    We confirmed this issue last night, apologies we thought it was fixed. Will look at a code fix for next release. Combat hours should still increase as should vehicle usage etc. Shots fired is the issue we are seeing at the moment.

  8. Combat hours do not work either. The vehicle usage is working but the weapon usage and shots fired are not. The weapon effectiveness work great though, it shows the weapon used and the number of kills. This is from my groups page after doing a server save and exit 2 days ago.

    0 hrs of combat
    147 operations conducted
    4595 confirmed kills
    348 critical injuries / deaths
    13.2 kill / death ratio
    0 shots fired

    This is from my individual page.

    74.9 hrs played
    56 operations conducted
    1973 confirmed kills
    129 critical injuries / deaths
    15.3 kill / death ratio
    0 shots fired

    Combat Experience

    Vehicle Experience: 25.6 hrs
    Mounted Weapon Kills: 401
    Flight hours: 14.8 hrs
    Combat Dives: 0
    Dive Time: 0 mins
    Para Jumps: 2
    Medical Experience: 1100 mins

  9. Tupolov

    20 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Ok so combat hours = hrs played. The combat hour issue is related to some web site bug, i'll investigate.

    We've caught the shots fired bug and there are fixes in the next release

  10. Ok, sounds great. Keep up the great work on an awesome mod.

  11. Tupolov

    22 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Please test 1.0.4, should be fixed

  12. looks like you got it working, great job!

    0.4 hrs of combat (this was not working before)
    156 operations conducted
    4719 confirmed kills
    348 critical injuries / deaths
    13.6 kill / death ratio
    45 shots fired (this was not working before)

    this is all showing up immediately on the war room.
    I am having another issue now
    Alive Profile System-Save Result: SYS_DATA_ERR
    and the server save and exit halts at Alive Player Logistics-Saving Data
    I have the updated Alive on the Server and also Updated the @AliveServer as I saw this was new.

  13. If you copy pasted these modules then replace them fresh. Copy Pasting modules in EDEN causes issues.

  14. no copy and replace of modules but deleted them and put them in again and all is working, still get SYS_DATA_ERR on server save and exit but the save completes now and when I log back in to game all is where I left off

  15. Tupolov

    23 Apr 2016 Administrator

    RPT and plugin log please. Thanks

  16. https://www.dropbox.com/s/azpeywond7pi255/arma3server_2016-04-22_23-17-29.rpt?dl=0


    This is what I found in the log when the SYS_DATA_ERR happens

    14:18:16 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
    14:18:16 ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","ERROR","ALiVE already initialized"]

    Is no big deal as everything is working


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