thx u!
I write script for remake markers (every 60 seconds) on top of opcom objectives. All fine! But..

I have two factions:

{ if ("BLU_G_F" in ([_x,"factions"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet)) then {}; } foreach OPCOM_instances;
{ if ("OPF_F" in ([_x,"factions"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet)) then {}; } foreach OPCOM_instances;

I have opcom states :

opcom_state_ = [_x, "opcom_state"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
if ("attack" != opcom_state_ && 
	"attacking" != opcom_state_ && 
	"defend" != opcom_state_ && 
	"defending" != opcom_state_ && 
	"reserve" != opcom_state_ && 
	"reserving" != opcom_state_ && 
	"idle" != opcom_state_ && 
	"unassigned" != opcom_state_) then { diag_log format["Unknown opcom_state: %1", opcom_state_]; }

I have tacom states:

tacom_state_ = [_x, "tacom_state"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
if ("recon" != tacom_state_ && 
	"capture" != tacom_state_ && 
	"defend" != tacom_state_ && 
	"reserve" != tacom_state_) then { diag_log format["Unknown tacom_state: %1", tacom_state_];	}

On one objectives it's was different states for each factions.

And I want just 4 state on my map: BLU_F, OPF_F, BLU_F && OPF_F (active battle) and not BLU_F && not OPF_F (empty or CIV objective).

How can I do that? What meen each state of opcom/tacom?