Tested also with A3 1.56.134787, @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE with no change compared to the original behaviour.

It can be as bad as having to make 4 subsequent restarts of a mission on dedicated server to get rid of most of the unneededly spawning helicopters as I recorded here on 03/31/2016:

first launch of the mission at 9.09AM (this launch also suffered from 4 times out of 8-9 ALiVE is forgetting that there is force pool):
for bigger resolution: http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag278/testusah123/helics1_zpsxbap7mv7.png

restart at 9.11AM
for bigger resolution: http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag278/testusah123/helics2_zps3ki85s51.png

restart at 9.13AM
for bigger resolution: http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag278/testusah123/helics3_zpszdb2swun.png

restart at 9.13AM finally arrived with the situation that there was _only 2_ unneededly spawned helicopters
for bigger picture: http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag278/testusah123/helics4_zps6kufsu3w.png

With the new version of ALiVE (currently I had hopes that this behaviour would have magically disappeared and went on to just in case create my old MP mission from scratch with the newest version but nope, the helicopters still do spawn.

I'm an avid user of the override mechanics in mil. (mil.) & mil. (civ.) module and had hopes that maybe this behaviour would have something to do with those and went on to test with using only the default Force sizes as small as 200 and 100 but nope, still there were occurrences of helicopters spawning.

And only with the latest ALiVE (basically today, 04/02/2016) I am trying to blacklist these helicopters in ALiVE Required module's init field with

ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"]; ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_VEHICLEBLACKLIST = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"];

which doesn't bring any solution to this behaviour.