Edited 8 years ago by Crapachi

This may be documented/common knowledge, but for a couple days I was wondering why a certain section of my mission map wasn't putting civs and other units back into virtualization, even if players were well outside the configured range...

Then it occurred to me. Where I placed my headless client logic modules on the map in Editor (Game Logic > Virtual Entities > Headless Client) and set playable was right in that vicinity, and keeping those units deprofiled and wide open.

Moving my HC modules way up out of the way of everything remedied the situation.

Just something to watch out for.

***** UPDATE *****
Further testing has indicated that it wasn't the Headless Client logic/module(s) inducing this condition after all, but rather odd behavior of Game Master modules I had in the same block. The actual "#adminLogged" Game Master module itself, and perhaps any other Game Master module that corresponds to a player actively in Zeus, appears to also act as a player entity for purposes of the profiler.