Possible MCQB bug...

  1. 9 years ago

    An observation, which I hope is helpful...

    I think there may be a bug with the Military CQB module....specifically, the "density" dropdown setting. For any setting other than off, I get CQB placements outside the taor marker that I've pointed it to. I've synced through a MP module (CQB>MP>taor makrer).

    For low/medium/etc densities, I'll get faction spawns outside the TAOR....even inside a defined "noCQB" marker using the blacklist lines. Another weird thing is that the spawns will come in as OPF_F faction only even when I've defined other factions in all other EAST side modules.

    I'm not exactly sure what the density setting is supposed to do, but I'm guessing it spawns additional CQB points outside a cluster....and right now, it does so regardless of the marker borders and it only spawns OPF_F factions.

    let me know if I can do anything or provide something that is helpful. You can try to duplicate it on your insurgency mission. It has one large OPFOR marker and one small blufor marker. Setup your blacklists so the noCQB marker isn't supposed to spawn any opfor. Then tweak your density settings on the MCQB module and you should see OPF_F spawns inside the noCQB marker.

  2. Tupolov

    3 Nov 2014 Administrator



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