ALiVE Command Tablet

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723


    Obviously it could still use some work, I really want to learn how to put a picture on an RscButton so you can tell the difference between the two objective filters without having to read the tooltip.

    Please let me know of any errors you get (especially if you play with -showScriptErrors on). Suggestions are also highly valuable as well. From this point I'll just leave any update notes and an updated download link at the bottom of the main post.

    On the ToDo list:

    • Mark units (marks all friendly units and known enemies with a marker).
    • Flesh out high command to be usable
    • Optimize code as much as possible

    A bit of a warning when it comes to mark objectives, this can sometimes take awhile to initially appear on missions with a lot of objectives and units since it must do a dominantFaction check for each objectives. I'll work on it if I can but there might not be much I can do. However, once the data is initially recovered, it stays active on your pc for 15 seconds, meaning every toggle for 15 seconds after the initial toggle will be much faster.

  2. Re-downloaded latest version from GUIrework on Github to to make sure.

    Single player gives this error the first time you access it....

    Variable '_display' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script [maybe 'STC_fnc_onload'] if you need to use it.

    Multiplayer gives this error the first time...

    Variable 'tacticalcommanddisplay' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace.

    Everything seems to be working properly, have played about 4 hours using the different functions.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Is there any possibility to enable high command in MP?

    Gonna try and hit this over the weekend. I've got a pretty good start, just need to convert everything so that it starts on client, gets data from server and sends it back to client, then finishes the operation on client.

    Edit: Good start = Great start, will obviously need testing but I can probably have a first version done by the end of tonight (next 6 hours).

    Edit 2: Tablet fully working in MP as far as I can tell, will do some further testing tomorrow then do a release assuming everything is still good to go.

    I've went ahead and brought the entire thing on github back to one branch now that the GUI Rework is behind us. You can grab the latest version from the master branch


    • Implement unit marking into High Command (Done)
    • Making Ambient Commands button functional