IMPORTANT: Issue on Thirsk map

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by TheLegendaryKhan

    I am not at all new to Alive but yes 2 days back, I tried Alive after about 2-3 of its updates. So maybe I missed something in the changelog?

    Anyway so I have just 1 marker to cover the entire map "m1", and I am throwing 4 basic modules on Thirsk map (not the snow version) to quickly populate it with Nato in towns. I use:

    Alive (Required)
    Virtual AI system
    AI Commander (Nato, set to Occupation)
    Military placement Civ obj (throughout m1)
    Military placement Mil obj (throughout m1)
    And syncing the 2 placement modules with AI Commander.

    I am the sole Opfor unit playing the "Clear the island" mission. So, whats happening is the moment the mission starts, the enemy units head towards me as if that "findpos player" thing is detecting me. Literally, "everything" rushes towards me. What am I doing wrong? This hasnt happened before. How are they aware of my presence even in a remote corner of the island?

    I need to play this mission tonight after going back from office. So a quick reply would be greatly appreciated :D

    Thank you.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Are there any scripts or addons running in the mission? Seems like something else is interfering.

  3. Yes I do have a good 20-30 mods running. But no AI enhancements that I can be sure. Can you share common types of mods which may interfere?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    There could be countless mods that could possible mess it up. My debug procedure would be test using only CBA, ALiVE, and the required map. If it is still an issue then it is tied to the map (doubt it is), if it works with no issues then enable 5 more mods and test again. If no issues happen after adding 5 mods, then add another 5 mods. Keep with this until you hit a chunk of mods that when enabled cause the issue you described to occur. You can then narrow it down from there.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by TheLegendaryKhan

    Just the way I like it. Short, simple and easy to understand. :D
    Thanks mate.

    By the way, you might wanna help me in the 3rd thread from the forums list named "Tasks/Objectives no more?". NO replies yet. Thanks. It has to do with C2ISTAR, and Admin Actions and why & how to use laser designator.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by TheLegendaryKhan

    Oh still the same problem after limiting addons.
    I got a marker "m1" covering most of Thirsk:
    Alive (Required)
    Virtual AI system
    AI Commander (Nato, set to Occupation)
    Military placement Civ obj (throughout m1)
    Military placement Mil obj (throughout m1)
    And syncing the 2 placement modules with AI Commander.
    This time I have added the c2ISTAR module and only chosen the auto tasks for Opfor to be "Yes", Nato and IND's Auto tasks are set to "No" as I thought that was causing Nato commander to figure a threat already in town.

    I spawn in a hidden corner inside a town filled with Nato troops, no way to detect me and still every AI unit is coming for me after 2-3 minutes of preview start. Frankly this is getting on my nerves. I want to be "behind enemy lines" undetected at the start for heaven's sake. These are the limited mods I have activated for this trial:

    Please respond.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Does this only happen on Thirsk? If you do the exact same setup on a map like Stratis does the problem still occur?

  8. ^ what he said please test on Altis or Stratis to see if the same occurs. From what you are saying it sounds like the AI knowsAbout goes through the roof shortly after mission start.

    This is definitely not something to do with ALiVE as it makes no AI changes (unless you are using the skill module, in which case it changes skills only).

    I've seen something like this before in Arma 2 with a bad mix of AI mods (can't recall exact which ones..Zeus and GL4 perhaps?) and the problem was every AI knew your exact location on the map at all times.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by TheLegendaryKhan

    I will get back to you guys tomorrow. 12 am where I am. :D Thanks by the way. Such immediate support makes Alive what it is :)


  10. UPDATE:
    Oh btw, just realised, I am using 2 scripts in the mission:

    1. Civilian Vehicle Spawner by Zealot

    // v1d Civilian Vehicles from [STELS]Zealot
    if (not isserver) exitwith {};
    zlt_civveh_round = 0;
    zlt_civveh_vehicles = [];
    zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = [];
    zlt_rnd_seed = 3;
    zlt_fnc_random = {
      private ["_a","_c","_m"];
      _a = 75;
      _c = 0;
      _m = 65537;
      zlt_rnd_seed = ( zlt_rnd_seed * _a + _c ) mod (_m);
      (zlt_rnd_seed / _m) ;
    zlt_fnc_selectrandom = {
    	_this select floor ( ([] call zlt_fnc_random) * count (_this));
    zlt_fnc_civvehs = {
    	_debug = [_this, 1, false] call bis_fnc_param;
    	_lrange = _this select 2;
    	_cars = _this select 3;
    	_t1 = diag_ticktime;
    	_startpos= _this select 0;
    	_houses = _startpos nearobjects ["House",_lrange];
    	//_vehmax =  _cars;
    	_vehmax = 	(round ((sqrt (count _houses)) * 0.5)) max 1;
    	_classes = ["C_Offroad_01_F"];
    	_vehs = 0;
    	_attemps = 0;
    	_class = _classes select 0;
    	zlt_rnd_seed =  ((_startpos select 0) + (_startpos select 1) mod 65537);
    	while {_vehs < _vehmax and _attemps < 10} do {
    		//diag_log ["CV",_startpos, _lrange, _houses];
    		_house = _houses call zlt_fnc_selectrandom;
    		_housepos = _house modeltoworld [0,0,0];
    		_newpos = _housepos findEmptyPosition [ 3 , 15, _class ];
    		_houses = _houses - [_house];
    		if (count _newpos == 0) then {
    			_attemps = _attemps + 1;
    		} else {
    			_veh = _class createVehicle (_newpos ) ;
    			_veh setvariable ["zlt_civveh", true];
    			zlt_civveh_vehicles set [count zlt_civveh_vehicles, _veh];
    			_direction = (random 360);
    			_nearRoads = _newpos nearRoads 10;
    			if(count _nearRoads > 0) then
    				_road = _nearRoads select 0;
    				_roadConnectedTo = roadsConnectedTo _road;
    				if (count _roadConnectedTo > 0) then {
    					_connectedRoad = _roadConnectedTo select 0;
    					_direction = [_road, _connectedRoad] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;
    			_veh setdir _direction;
    			_attemps = 0;
    			_vehs = _vehs + 1;
    			if (_debug) then {
    				["crt"+str(_newpos), _newpos] call zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal;
    	_t2 = diag_ticktime;
    	if (_debug) then {
    		diag_log str ["civeh.sqf", _t2-_t1];
    zlt_civ_checkloop = {
    	zlt_civveh_notemptyloc = [];
    		_veh = vehicle _x;
    		_isInVeh = (vehicle _x != _x);
    		// or _veh getvariable ["zlt_civ_round", -1] != zlt_civveh_round
    		if (!_isInVeh || {_veh isKindOf "LandVehicle"}) then {
    			_dist = 1000;
    			_locations = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], _dist];
    			_locations2 = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], 2500];
    				if ( not (_x in zlt_civveh_spawnedloc) ) then {
    					_lrange = 50; _cars = 1;
    					switch (type _x) do {
    						case ("NameCityCapital") : {_lrange = 250; _cars = 7;};
    						case ("NameCity") : {_lrange = 150; _cars = 3;};
    					_pos = position _x;
    					[ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], false, _lrange, _cars] call zlt_fnc_civvehs;
    					zlt_civveh_spawnedloc pushBack _x; 
    //					_x setside east;
    			} foreach _locations;
    				zlt_civveh_notemptyloc pushBack _x;
    			} foreach _locations2;
    			if (_isInVeh) then { _veh setvariable ["zlt_civ_round", zlt_civveh_round];};
    	} foreach (if (player in playableunits) then {playableunits} else {[player]});
    		_pos = [(position _x) select 0, (position _x) select 1, 0];
    		_ent = ( (_pos) nearEntities ["C_Offroad_01_F", 300] );
    			if ( _x getvariable ["zlt_civveh", false] and {count crew _x == 0 and fuel _x == 1}) then {
    				deletevehicle _x;
    		} foreach _ent;
    		zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = zlt_civveh_spawnedloc - [_x];
    	} foreach (zlt_civveh_spawnedloc-zlt_civveh_notemptyloc);
    	zlt_civveh_round = zlt_civveh_round + 1;
    while {true} do {
    //scan loop
    	sleep 3.4; //magic number
    	[] call zlt_civ_checkloop;

    2. Loot Spawner by BangaBob:

    // Set probability of loot spawning 1-100%
    // Show loot position and type on map (Debugging)
    // Set Weapon loot: Primary weapons, secondary weapons, Sidearms.
    weaponsLoot=	["arifle_MX_F","arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_SDAR_F","arifle_TRG20_F","arifle_TRG21_F"];
    // Set items: Weapon attachments, first-aid, Binoculars
    itemsLoot=		["Rangefinder","Binocular","ToolKit","muzzle_snds_M","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_SW","muzzle_snds_H_MG","muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","optic_Arco","optic_Aco","optic_Holosight","optic_Nightstalker","optic_Yorris","optic_tws","FirstAidKit","muzzle_snds_acp"];
    // Set Clothing: Hats, Helmets, Uniforms
    clothesLoot=	["H_Hat_camo","H_HelmetB_light","U_I_pilotCoveralls","H_Bandanna_camo","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt","U_BG_Guerilla1_1","U_BG_Guerilla2_1","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_I_CombatUniform"];
    // Set Vests: Any vests
    vestsLoot=		["V_Chestrig_blk","V_BandollierB_blk","V_HarnessO_brn","V_PlateCarrier1_blk","V_Press_F","V_TacVest_blk"];
    // Set Backpacks: Any packpacks
    backpacksLoot=	["B_AssaultPack_blk","B_AssaultPack_cbr","B_AssaultPack_khk","B_Carryall_cbr","B_Carryall_khk","B_Carryall_mcamo","B_FieldPack_blk","B_FieldPack_cbr","B_FieldPack_khk"];
    // Exclude buildings from loot spawn. Use 'TYPEOF' to find building name
    _exclusionList=	["Land_Pier_F","Land_Pier_small_F","Land_NavigLight","Land_LampHarbour_F"];
    private ["_distance","_houseList"];
    	_mkr=(_this select 0);
    	_mkr setmarkerAlpha 0;
    	_pos=markerpos _mkr;
    		_mkrY= getmarkerSize _mkr select 0;
    		_mkrX= getmarkerSize _mkr select 1;
    	if (_mkrY > _mkrX) 
    			then {
     _houseList= _pos nearObjects ["House",_distance];
    	if (!(typeOf _house in _exclusionList)) 
    			then {
     for "_n" from 0 to 50 do {
    	_buildingPos=_house buildingpos _n;
    		if (str _buildingPos == "[0,0,0]") exitwith {};
    				if (_probability > random 100) 
    					then {
    				null=[_buildingPos,_showLoot] execVM "spawnloot.sqf";
    	}foreach _houseList;


    _pos=	(_this select 0);
    _pos0=	(_pos select 0);
    _pos1=	(_pos select 1);
    _pos2=	(_pos select 2);
    _showLoot=	(_this select 1);
    	_BARREL = createVehicle ["Land_BarrelEmpty_F",[_pos0,_pos1,_pos2+0.1], [], 0, "can_Collide"];
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_holder = createVehicle ["groundweaponholder",[_pos0,_pos1,(getposATL _BARREL select 2)], [], 0, "can_Collide"];
    			deletevehicle _BARREL;
    _type=floor (random 5);
    	if (_showLoot) 
    			then {			
    			_id=format ["%1",_pos];
    			_debug=createMarker [_id,GETPOS _holder];
    			_debug setMarkerShape "ICON";
    			_debug setMarkerType "hd_dot";
    			_debug setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    			_txt=format ["%1",_type];
    			_debug setMarkerText _txt;	
    // Spawn Weapon
     if (_type == 0) 
    		then {
    	_weapon= weaponsLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
    		_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapon / "magazines");
    		_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
    	_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weapon, 1];
    	 _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];
    // Spawn Magazines
     if (_type == 1) 
    		then {
    	_weapon= weaponsLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
    		_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapon / "magazines");
    		_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
    	 _holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];
    // Spawn Items
     if (_type == 2) 
    		then {
    	_item= itemsLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
    	 _holder addItemCargoGlobal [_item, 1];
    	_clothing= clothesLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
    	 _holder addItemCargoGlobal [_clothing, 1];
    // Spawn Vests
     if (_type == 3) 
    		then {
    	_vest= vestsLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
    	 _holder addItemCargoGlobal [_vest, 1];
    // Spawn Backpacks
     if (_type == 4) 
    		then {
    	_backpack= backpacksLoot call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
    	 _holder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_backpack, 1];

    Are any of these culprits? But they are an essential part of my mission. :(

    SpyderBlack and Savage can you guys please give them a glance?


  11. I can't see anything that I would think would cause a problem. Just to be safe, you might want to create a new mission with the exact same setup but without the scripts running. If it works fine, then one of the scripts is causing a problem, if not then I have absolutely no clue.

  12. Nopes. Tried removing all these scripts from mission and copy pasted alive modules on Stratis. Still they sniff me out in bushes or even in a closed military office on the airfield. The god forsaken chopper also comes over my position and auto-hovers there. Sigh, I will play with DAC till you guys revert.
    Thank you. :(

  13. Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    That is messed up man! Can you post your RPT file if possible?

    Also have you tried deleting and re-downloading ALiVE and CBA?

  14. yeah cba and alive both are fresh. :(
    ill upload the mission soon.

  15. Friznit

    30 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Not getting this with either vanilla setup or VCB mod heavy missions. Pretty sure it's not ALiVE related.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by TheLegendaryKhan

    Here is a simple mission:

    NO mod just Alive ( and CBA ( RC7 Hotfix 2). both latest. btw, im running Arma 3 ver. 1.48.131645.

    Please resolve my issue. its unnerving. AI chopppers and units rush for me no matter which corner of the map I begin the mission with.

  17. Please guys. I am waiting. :(

  18. Not experiencing any issues.

  19. Sigh ok man.. :'(
    Thanks again.

  20. Sigh ok man.. :'(
    Thanks again for the patience.

    Maybe Ill make a video of it in a day or two.

  21. Newer ›

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