Data module tracking everything except kills

  1. 8 years ago

    Hey guys, as the title suggests, it would appear that the data module is tracking everything as intended, except for kills. There is only the one kill that has been recorded (a civilian) but no others. Everything else is being tracked, and I can see the mission in the live tracker - though it only appears to track when I fall in a canal (combat dive ftw), and enter/exit a vehicle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Friznit

    26 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Tup's the database guru but he's away hunting chickens in China at the moment. Sometimes resetting the mission (change the pbo name) so you start with a fresh set of data can help.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Obviously your solution lies in falling in more canals.

  4. Thanks guys, yeah I've changed the pbo name (versions) a few times due to finding issues with the mission. I have thought of falling in more canals, but it didn't end so well last time I tried.


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