ALiVE spawned AI not showing in Zeus

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Bacon

    Hey guys, I am running the latest version of ALiVE and CBA (just these two mods). When I enter Zeus the enemy AI do not show up under Zeus for control but I can still see them if I physically search the map for them but they have no indicator above their head. I have tested this on the Basic Template #1 and the issue is present there so now I am wondering if this is a bug or an option I am missing?
    EDIT: I should also mention that enemy AI in vehicles appear to show up fine and appears to just be infantry (and civis as well I believe) and also rolling back to the 1.44 version fixes it

  2. Deleted 9 years ago by Bacon
  3. Friznit

    27 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Apparently this is the case with any AI spawned in, not just ALiVE. It must be ArmA patch related.

  4. Ah damn, has there been any word of either a fix or if it was intentional? I have kept my unit using the legacy code until it is resolved.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @Friznit Apparently this is the case with any AI spawned in, not just ALiVE. It must be ArmA patch related.

    Same problem in my mission.
    And everyone thought was Leight Opfor.
    But as I see others have the same problem.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by Legend117

    I have a solution, however it's temporary and it does not fix anything. You can try to use another mod, Ares, which adds new modules for Zeus. One of these ones automatically adds all units ina certain area to the Game Master, even those which were placed with the editor.
    Indeed, I have this problem too. Units after a while start "disappearing", as if they withdrew from the front, or reinforcements were not available.

    EDIT: I have found another bug. Maybe it's caused by ACE3, but it's weird because it does not appear during the preview in the editor ... Now it simply can't rain. There's fog, there are clouds, there are even thunders, but not a single drop.

  7. Friznit

    28 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Most likely ACE weather module. It's known to be a bit buggy at the moment.

    None of the above are ALiVE issues.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    Friznit , Legend have my same problem.
    And you said that was problem of Leight OpFor and disappearance of AI is Normal, work in this way Module AI of Alive.

  9. @Legend117 I have a solution, however it's temporary and it does not fix anything. You can try to use another mod, Ares, which adds new modules for Zeus. One of these ones automatically adds all units ina certain area to the Game Master, even those which were placed with the editor.
    Indeed, I have this problem too. Units after a while start "disappearing", as if they withdrew from the front, or reinforcements were not available.

    EDIT: I have found another bug. Maybe it's caused by ACE3, but it's weird because it does not appear during the preview in the editor ... Now it simply can't rain. There's fog, there are clouds, there are even thunders, but not a single drop.

    For Zeus create issue on
    That we vote up ....

  10. highhead

    28 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    If you wanna know if ALiVE is causing any issue then please only use ALiVE and CBA, nothing else. Does it work with vanilla factions? I guess yes!

    Edit: Issue was related to XEH see below.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by Master-Antonio

    @highhead this is not a BIS issue, its LOP! If you wanna know if ALiVE is causing any issue then please only use ALiVE and CBA, nothing else. Does it work with vanilla factions? I guess yes!

    Same problems have Bacon and he dont use LOP.

  12. highhead

    28 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Seems like there was an issue with XEH again. I changed it in DEV and it shows the units in ZEUS. Will be in upcoming release.

    Antonio, please next time you post ANY issue in here:
    ONLY USE: @ALiVE and @CBA, and attach the rpt. please.

    This will help me to narrow down an issue with ALiVE and not any other mod.

  13. Ok high.
    I wait new update.
    Thanks for all.

  14. @highhead Any idea when that update may come? This bug has meant I have kept my unit on 1.44. Cheers

  15. highhead

    29 Jun 2015 Administrator

    actually it isnt affecting anything but the visualisation in ZEUS, i would suggest to update. i dont know when next update is due.

  16. @highhead Reason why I kept my unit on 1.44 is that we are in the middle of a campaign where zeus and alive are playing a vital in the opfor guys moving zeus units etc.

  17. Is there any chance you could post a hotfix for this?

  18. Wait 1.48 ......

  19. highhead

    11 Jul 2015 Administrator

    bacon check pm


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