Player Logistics problem

  1. 8 years ago

    When I first activate the player logistics it works perfectly fine and I am able to carry objects, stow/unload objects, towing etc. But after a few minutes of playing, the "carry objects" option no longer appears. However, stowing and unloading objects and towing still work perfectly fine. I thought it might be only on my missions, but any other (ALiVE) mission including the demo missions has the issue.

    It's quite annoying when I am attempting to construct an FOB or move objects to stow into a vehicle and am suddenly unable to move fortifications and other objects around. Deactivating then reactivating the logistics doesn't fix it, nor does respawning. i also reinstalled the mod, still have the problem.

    It's an oddly specific problem, hoping someone has a solution for me. Besides that, it's an amazing mod and I haven't had any other problems.

  2. I haven't heard that one before.. .can you post what mods you are using in your mission and if possible both yours and the servers RPT file. When testing with demo missions are you just loading @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Randin

    Hello Savage, the only other mod I am using besides CBA_A3 and ALiVE is ASR_AI3. I'm currently just using a local server (without War room) and single player. I'll try to reproduce it again without ASR_AI3 and attach the RPT in a bit. Thanks

    Edit: it seems I've managed to reproduce it. I was opening a gate and the option to "Carry" it appears. Trying to carry it seems to break the carry function, as I can no longer carry any other objects. I must have been accidentally hitting this option as I played.
    Here is the RPT, played on the Sabotage demo mission:

    Edit 2: Just discovered it also breaks carry if you die while carrying an object.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    Thanks for the report - sounds like the Carry option appears for objects that cannot be carried (I assume you could not actually carry the gate?).

    edit: added ticket

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Randin

    No problem, glad to help progress the mod. Yes, the gate wasn't actually able to be moved, and I couldn't "drop" it.

    I suppose it will be patched in the next update, thanks Savage. Until then I'll be careful opening gates and carrying objects near enemies :P

  6. Just lead with the gate - soak up all the incoming fire ;)

  7. highhead

    30 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Thanks mates!

    Thats a cool repro, thanks for discovering Randin, and Savage for giving me a ticket!
    Will take a look at it!


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