vehicle etc persistence?

  1. 8 years ago

    Can I use the virtual caching system to cache the randomly spawning vehicles and base parts in Wasteland? This way , hopefully the server performance would improve instead of everyone having to constantly render all the objects that spawn across the terrain even if they are not near them?

  2. Friznit

    20 Jun 2015 Administrator

    You can use ALiVE_fnc_createProfilesFromUnitsRuntime to profile all vehicles during runtime after they've been spawned in. There are some sample scripts on our wiki:

  3. cool, will this work even after they respawn? Also, will this work on base parts too? like the walls and so on that spawn randomly as well?

  4. Not advised to profile objects, etc. that require specific placement on the map (ie: walls, static guns) as they may not re-appear in the exact same location (but you can always test it and see).

    As far as respawning vehicles you would need to re-profile them once they are respawned.


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