Territory dominance and Respawning

  1. 8 years ago

    Is there a way to set it up where when you take control of a city, friendly reinforcemenst arrive and establish control in the city?

    Is there a simple way to make a menu/npc to spawn in specific cars for you to use?

    Similar to the last question, is there a way to respawn units into your squad so that if you lose a member, you can refill your squad?

    Also, why is it that my missions will not spawn me on a squad member when i die, even when there are no enemies nearby?

  2. 2. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28105

    3. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23844

    4. I am assuming you are using the Multispawn module, press enter and it will spawn you on whoever you are spectating.

  3. Other options (last I checked ASOR vehicle thingy had a lot of script errors):

    (also has issues but easy to work around - see forum posts for more info)

    Best one IMO

  4. Oh, didn't know bon's recruitment had an A3 version as well.. definetely use that.

  5. Yep I spent far too much time a while back trying to make his A2 version work in A3 before discovering there was a ported version out there already *facepalm*


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