Units not patrolling on our server.

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi. I have a problem that i would like some input on.

    When i set up my persistent campaign in the editor all the units spawn in just fine, and i can see that they are all patrolling the way they should. However, when i play on my server the units just stand still when they spawn in. When they take fire, they don't move from the spot they initially spawned in on. Our server, and the mission has the latest version of ALiVE running.

    Any help would be great.

  2. Tupolov

    26 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Check your version of CBA. Assuming this isn't linux, are you running the data module with Perf monitoring on? If so, what are server FPS and CPS at?

  3. We had some issues in the past with War room not connecting properly in the past, and the tip we got was to turn off Perf monitoring off. So to answer your question, no we do not have perf monitoring on in the data module. Our CBA versions are the latest both on the clients and the server.

  4. Tupolov

    27 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Turn OS Perfmon off but keep Perfmon on

    That allows you to track fps and cps to see if it's a performance issue yet avoid the counter bug

  5. We had same issue, in local test unit patrolling but on server not moving.
    I have solved by renaming the filename (reset persistation) and put one side in invasion and the other in occupation mode.
    Recheck the syncs on each module.
    I hope this help.

  6. That is our setup right now. Os perfmon is off, but perfmon is on.

    On our last session we had an average of 20-30 frames on our server, and our cps had an average of around 4. The lowest cps we got was 0.134


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